Our students and instructor

Our students and instructor

Our students and instructor
Become a Nursing Assistant in 19 Days.
You Can Do It!
You can now enroll and complete your Certified Nursing Assistant training
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Welcome to The Nursing Assistant Academy
We’re glad that you visited our website today. We hope that you’ll find very important information that’ll help you to make the all-important and significant professional decision—to join the noble and compassionate nursing profession.
At The Nursing Assistant Academy, we prepare you to become a Nursing Assistant based on state-approved, rigorous, and hands-on educational curriculum. At the end of your studies here, we are confident that you’ll be joining hundreds of our alumni across the nation delivering professional, compassionate, and patient-centered care to numerous members of our society who need your care.
Our curriculum and training program are approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing (MBON), and the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). MBON and MHEC are the highest bodies for approving nursing and educational programs in the State of Maryland.
Program Objectives
Provide the knowledge and skills necessary for successful completion of the program;
Strive for the highest possible program completion rates;
Register all graduates to sit the Geriatric Nursing Assistant Examination;
Instill in our graduates the culture of providing the highest quality care;
Obtain feedback from graduates, alumni, and employers to improve the program;
Conduct ongoing program evaluation to ensure that the standard completion, placement, and passing rates in the certification examination are maintained; and
Verify pass rate for all graduates by submitting documentation from the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program using an honest and transparent record-keeping process.
Our Key Attributes
A Vibrant Learning Community
Dedicated Faculty & Staff
Our Students Come First
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